Navigating Your Local Network in Python3 w/ nmap

Nmap is a powerful tool that is widely used in cybersecurity for network exploration and security auditing. It can be used to scan a network and discover open ports, running services, operating systems, and more. Here are some of the ways that nmap is used in cybersecurity:

Network Mapping

Nmap can be used to map a network and discover all the devices that are connected to it. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and assess the overall security of the network.

Port Scanning

Nmap can be used to scan for open ports on a network. This can help identify services and applications that are running on the network and potentially identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

OS Fingerprinting

Nmap can be used to identify the operating systems that are running on the devices on the network. This information can be used to assess the security of the network and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Scanning

Nmap can be used to scan for known vulnerabilities on the devices on the network. This can help identify potential weaknesses that can be exploited by attackers.

Penetration Testing

Nmap is often used in penetration testing to identify potential vulnerabilities and assess the security of a network. It can be used to simulate attacks and test the effectiveness of security measures.

In this blog, we will show you how to use nmap in Python3 to scan your own home network.

First, you need to install the nmap module for Python3. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip3 install python-nmap

Once you have installed the nmap module, you can start writing your Python script. Here is a simple script that scans your local network and prints out the IP addresses of all the devices that are connected:

import nmap

scanner = nmap.PortScanner()

# Set the IP range to scan
scanner.scan('', arguments='-n -sP')

# Get a list of all the connected devices
hosts_list = [(x, scanner[x]['status']['state']) for x in scanner.all_hosts()]

# Print out the IP addresses of the connected devices
for host, status in hosts_list:

In this script, we first import the nmap module and create a new PortScanner object. We then set the IP range to scan using the scan method. In this example, we are scanning the subnet. The -n option tells nmap to not perform name resolution and the -sP option tells it to only perform a ping scan.

Next, we use the all_hosts method to get a list of all the hosts that were discovered during the scan. We then loop through this list and print out the IP addresses of all the connected devices.

You can customize this script to scan for open ports, running services, and more. The nmap module provides a wide range of options that you can use to fine-tune your scans.

In conclusion, using nmap in Python3 to scan your home network is a simple and effective way to discover all the devices that are connected. With this information, you can better understand the devices on your network and ensure that they are secure.