LeetCode #207: Course Schedule
To solve this problem, we can build an adjacency list from the given edge list. Then, we can use depth-first search (DFS) to traverse the graph, while keeping track of the state of each vertex. We use three different states for each vertex:
- state 0 : vertex is not visited. This is the default state.
- state -1 : vertex is being processed. Either all of its descendants are not processed or it’s still in the function call stack.
- state 1 : vertex and all its descendants are processed.
While traversing the graph using DFS, if we come across a vertex that is already being processed (state -1), it indicates the presence of a cycle, and we return False. If a vertex and all its descendants have been processed (state 1), then we can move to the next vertex. After traversing all vertices using DFS, if we don’t find a cycle, then it is possible to finish all courses, and we return True.
- Define a function to build an adjacency list from the given edge list.
- Define a function to perform DFS while keeping track of the state of each vertex.
- Traverse each vertex using DFS, if we find a cycle, stop and return False. Otherwise, return True.
class Solution:
def buildAdjacencyList(self, n, edgesList):
adjList = [[] for _ in range(n)]
# c2 (course 2) is a prerequisite of c1 (course 1)
# i.e c2c1 is a directed edge in the graph
for c1, c2 in edgesList:
return adjList
def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
# build Adjacency list from Edges list
adjList = self.buildAdjacencyList(numCourses, prerequisites)
state = [0] * numCourses
def hasCycle(v):
if state[v] == 1:
return False
if state[v] == -1:
return True
state[v] = -1
for i in adjList[v]:
if hasCycle(i):
return True
state[v] = 1
return False
for v in range(numCourses):
if hasCycle(v):
return False
return True
Time Complexity: The time complexity of this solution is O(V+E), where V is the number of vertices, and E is the number of edges in the graph.
Space Complexity: The space complexity of this solution is O(V+E), where V is the number of vertices, and E is the number of edges in the graph.